August 20, 2020
August 20, 2020
Subcommittees lead the meeting reviewing discussions and project ideas during the days between 8/7 and 8/19. Each shared out with the following:
· Housing (Southside Community Coalition update)
o New properties in the South Chandler area are being reviewed
§ Looking at vacant lots/land
§ Redevelopment ideas/discussions/plans taking place
§ Goal is to rehabilitate homes to code, build others then sell with ownership of the land
o Discussing and identifying areas for community engagement
o 5 priorities areas direct the focus:
1. Community Stabilization and Sustainability
2. Community Engagement
3. Increasing awareness of their Brand
4. Expansion to underserved people and communities
5. Organizational Financial Stability
o Chris will share out activities and projects for C4C to participate, support, and leverage support and volunteerism potentially at the 9/3 meeting.
· Healthcare
o Identify areas of need or lack of care
o Develop pamphlets of information regarding resources, COVID, insurance, and health services
o Create educational information to provide to families and to hand out at identified community events
o Interest in developing COVID kits to disseminate at identified locations, events and activities, and/or walk neighborhoods to provide
· Education
o Reviewed current Virtual Town Halls that have taken place with select students/parents
§ Black voice on 7/28 and 7/30
§ LatinX voice on 8/25 and 8/27
§ Asian voice Oct, Native voice Nov, LGBTQ-IA voice Jan, White voice Feb, culmination April
o Reviewed discussion regarding review of curriculum at an Administrative level
§ Network with Dr. Sallu from CUSD on how C4C may be able to assist support other forums or focus groups for student and families voices (pos or neg)
o Suggested to connect with the City Youth initiative as they are working to support youth in Chandler and collaborating with CUSD currently
o Consider branching out to make connections with ASU/NAU/GCU on ways to collaborate, provide information, identify interest in C4C from said Universities
§ Dr. Crawford will lead effort of connection and next steps
o Collaborate with CGCC and MCC to connect with programs, projects, and current students/faculty/staff on issues of concern or success
· Social Media
o Work to launch Twitter, Instagram
§ FB running currently
o Post logo and mission
§ Previous events to highlight
§ Collect information to post surrounding C4C mission
· Issues in Chandler
§ Considering book club
· GenZ
o Meeting with Social Media subcommittee
§ Use social media as an awareness forum for all ages to educate and generate voice and interest
o Seek out/Recruit/invite individuals under 30s to meetings, projects, volunteerism
o Work with CUSD, community centers, charters to volunteer and meeting young people (mentorship)
o Considering a book club
· Cultural Events
o Discussion of a Black History Month celebration
o Work with other groups in area to support and to hold an event
§ More information from Chris as CCA, Museum, and Southside Comm Coalition have in the works at next meeting
o Niki to provide events of the past, been cancelled, initial discussions/ideas from community groups
o Looking to support city cultural initiatives
· Projects
o Slam poetry contest
o Cultural Event support/creation/identification
o Art contest and identify location for public viewing
o COVID kits
o Coffee w/a cop (CPD/SROs)
o Voting (party/candidate/platform) awareness for upcoming election
o Caravan #2
o Book club
o Pay it forward
o Virtual forum/focus group on issues/voice to city council, CPD, Hospitals, etc
o Neighborhood beautification also historical identifications
o South Chandler Toys in the Park development
o TedTalks—develop and/or ID topics to show on social media and website
o Job assistance (resume writing, application assistance, jobs available)
o Connect with companies, organizations, small businesses on initiatives and spreading the word
o LGBTQ+ voice support
· Taglines
o JustUs
o JustUs4all (or JustUs for all)
o I stand and I demand
o I can do better (joint effort)
o Won’t you be my neighbor
o Hearseeact
o heeUseeUact4U
o opportunity4change
o change4equity
o together4change
o working4equity
Members will work with subcommittees to continue activity ideas and share out next steps and/or progress
Next meeting set for Thursday Sept 3, 2020 at 6pm via ZOOM.