july 12, 2022
Board Meeting Summary: Study Session
July 12, 2022 / 6:07pm – 7:52pm
Held on Zoom
Call to Order:
Board Roll Call
Attendees: (noted by +)
+ Shawn Charles
+ Diana Crawford
+ Gloria Garza Wells
+ Michael Franklin
Dr. Danielle Gilliam
+ Brenda Girolamo
Lynne McKay
+ Miya Mitchell
+ Shawn Mitchell
Peggy Schlesinger
Reports of Officers and Committees
Shawn Mitchell, President
Gratitude to everyone for the continued commitment and dedication to C4C.
Brief historical overview of the evolutionary journey of C4C and how each person brings unique skills and community connections.
C4C aspires to develop these connections and identify leads in each area of interest to spearhead community endeavors and continue to build relationships.
Updates from June
A great event, keeping the expectations high for future events.
Discussion of available funds; 2,000 attendants; shirt sales, vendor fees; extreme resourcefulness for breaking even on event this size.
Secured Chandler-Gilbert Community College as the venue for future events.
Encouraging more C4C members to engage earlier in the planning process.
City funding next year; remain collaborative; choose a special C4C day for 2023.
This year is a great testament to C4C collaboration and participation
Continue increasing community presence and reputation; cultivate partnerships with other communities (Hispanic and LGBTQ+) community.
C4C role as leaders and partners; identify the primary call; not duplicate efforts.
The Juneteenth kickoff is not a C4C event, it is collaborative; would C4C like to add a day to the list?
June 19th is the last day, the major celebration, consider a C4C event in a previous weekend.
Contigo is the next community event opportunity for collaboration.
Committee Recap
Southside Village Historic Conservation District: Peggy spearheaded this event over the past year and provided consistent communications
Shawn and Peggy attended June 30th meeting
Encouraging C4C members to attend the July 11th City Council meeting study session, the Thursday July 14th City Council regular meeting coting session.
6/30/22 Historic Preservation Commission Mtg
7/11/22 Chandler City Council Study Session
7/14/22 Chandler City Council Mtg (6pm)
If vote passes, C4C to send press releases
Neighborhood Block Party; SCSH and Salvation Army in August
Things currently discussed for C4C
September event: Chandler Contigo
(Gloria): Fri Sept 30th 5pm-10pm last day of school.
Galveston Elementary, bouncy houses, musicians, booths last year was the first and a success. All organizations to bring something for children
Hispanic community to be seen, would be nice to add to C4C table, collect street data (1. Audio-feedback and 2. Listening interview campaigns)
C4C to be leader/connector? C4C to be the connector. Use street data to present for future financial assistance from City
C4C interns in high school, Hispanic Honor Society; upper-level Spanish classes, interviews,
Gloria will be point person, Brenda work with Gloria, Gloria will sign-up C4C to attend.
Does C4C want to host an event during this month?
Sep 15 – Oct 15 –Hispanic Awareness Month
City giving $20K for whole month.
Suggestions for C4C to host: car show, student-lead initiative, artists, low-rider as part of culture, historic car show, possibility to include Southside Village
Car shows, artists, appeal to younger generation participation.
Collaborate with school that does car shows. Event does not have to be limited to Hispanic awareness month.
Chandler auto shop teacher, make a connection, and expand current platforms.
C4C can assist existing events, to make it bigger, broader.
Car show at Chandler High School (Sat Oct 1, Sat Oct 29, Sat Nov 5).
Gloria and Brenda to present fact finding.
December / Race4Unity
Use initial C4C Event Status Template (EST) thought worksheet for event planning.
Use EST worksheet to prose ideas to C4C Board.
Chandler Multicultural Festival
MLK Jr Day
Board Discussion on C4C and vision through March
Feedback: solidify our team leads and support for events.
Discussion Topic: Consistent use of C4C logo
Many of the Juneteenth promotions only had the colorful graphic and no words to identify it with C4C.
Quorum: Diana moves to modify the existing logo to add the C4C verbiage, Shawn Charles seconds.
Vote: table the C4C logo topic; present logo options at next meeting.
Discussion Topic: C4C website Community Connections page.
Board agrees to review all submissions before public posting
C4C Connect! Monday emails for reminders of important actions each week; promote and attach EST worksheet
Other C4C opportunities
Partnership for medical brown bags for those in need.
Listening Campaign; gather local organizations; C4C to be the lead for connecting various organizations; identify a location, date(s), and supplies.
Diana willing to assist Gloria with this campaign. Gloria will connect with a current group doing what we aspire to do.
Choose a date for C4C to socialize again; the purpose is to build greater personal rapport within the group
C4C has been mis-categorized by the IRS as a company and not a non-profit. Still working to rectify this.
Next meeting: Open Meeting on August: 9th – 6pm on Zoom
Adjournment: 7:52pm