Septmeber 17, 2020
September, 17, 2020
Summary B
Subcommittees shared out and requested assistance where applicable.
Shawn reviewed his intent to create a 501 c 3 for C4C. Process has begun and he will be sharing stages of process in meetings to come.
Due to need for financial support at times for projects, marketing, resources, etc., he described the need to develop this to create and solidify C4C as an established non-profit.
It is recognized C4C is a voluntary action group currently and the goal is to create a sustainable organization for the future
Currently, 3 different monetary support conversations have occurred and are now looking to provide support and waiting for the completion of this important step
Shawn described the development of a Board in the months ahead to continue to have direction established and to initially begin the infrastructure of a non-profit.
C4C members are asked to consider this as an option of participation
Work on the Development of By-laws and Articles of Incorporation
Leadership team will begin to be formulated in addition to the identification of the subcommittee chairs as a leadership development group within C4C
Website is being finalized and will be shared out in the weeks ahead for review, suggestions and alterations before it is launched.
Will allow direction and communication of C4C
Provide a networking resource for the community
Opportunity to direct any and all interest to one location to define C4C direction, projects, articles, blogs, video series’, and activities to name a few
Gen Z
Updated group on focus of younger population becoming a part of C4C
Vision is being defined and modified with intent to share Vision at next meeting
Request k-12 assistance by reaching out to schools in Chandler in some way and using those within group to provide awareness of C4C and draw interest
Poetry contest being worked on with initial date of Oct 30th.
Timeframe was determined to be fairly soon and impacts registration due to Fall Break in CUSD
Shawn will follow up with Walter on timeframe and logistics to provide support and work to connect individuals
Walter will provide an update on the Poetry Slam, Vision and possible art contest
Dr. Gilliam and May M. have shared some artists they have in mind and clarified if the project is open or looking for specific work
Criteria was a question (i.e. live and/or work in chandler, theme, outside of city, state, location, size)
Cultural Events
Current goal is to identify events taking place
Look to connect gaps in the city
Make awareness of upcoming ideas/events to join and/or support for C4C
All information heard or seen please send to Gloria
She will work to send emails
Connect with Social Media to place on FB, Twitter, Instagram
Asks to create word-of-mouth in respective circles of C4C to provide awareness, attendance and support for respective events in Chandler
Developing COVID kits with hopes of walking neighborhoods to pass kits out
Considering identifiable locations with high need
Work with city and/or internet to locate high risk areas and concentrations of high or unknown cases
Due to 85224 and 85225 being the highest of concern at last review of data, these areas will be first to support
Finishing a brochure that will be placed in the bag (kit) reviewing safety and precautionary information
Need sanitizer for bags
Social Media
Reminded all members of the goal to field events, ideas, activities within groups in C4C.
Shared older projects (i.e. caravan, Census 2020) were too far back thus the need to put things out to create awareness and draw attention
See Social Media as another marketing source and begin demonstration of collaborative efforts of C4C with all organizations, businesses, volunteers.
TAKE PICTURES or send small write-ups to be posted and highlighted of meetings, while out in community, other events etc as reps of C4C and sharing activities in the community
Social media outlets are direct source and goal is to create:
a voice/participation outlet
share meetings, information, times for new interest
consider any flyers, verbiage, alerts can be sent to Social Media to allow posting of information to reach various platforms
Shawn shared discussion with Crystal B. on holding a virtual forum on topics in the upcoming weeks to create via virtual format:
How to have conversations surrounding cross-cultural differences, stereotypes, and biases with generations
Points to consider when talking/interacting with family of opposing views during the Holiday season
Viewing generations through a cross-cultural lens
Definition of cross-cultural, diversity, inclusion, and equity
Strategies for removing barriers to encouraging cross-cultural diversity for self, workplace and social community
Reminder of virtual focus forums on:
Coffee with a cop (officer(s) of color perspective/lens)
Topics of interest to be generate to meet with:
Current City Council Leaders
Incoming City Council Leaders
Possibly both at different times and a wrap up comparison/identification of future legislation and activities
Chris addressed the Chandler Museum exhibit “Bigger than Boxing: Zora Folley the 1967 Heavyweight Title”
Mr. Folley was a Chandler resident whom fought Muhammad Ali
C4C members go together to be a visible group and experience exhibit
Earnest will look to identify opportunities and times to visit
Gloria/Peggy welcomed C4C to share out and are invited to join:
Unity Interfaith Devotional on Wed Sept 30 at 7pm sponsored by Baha’is of Chandler