Septmeber 3, 2020

September 3,

The group discussed progress yet subcommittees shared they spent the 2-week timeframe connecting with other members within the subgroups and getting projects established.

  • New template was put together for each subcommittee chair to utilize allowing common task identification for each project. Goal is to ensure at each meeting sub-chairs address:

        • Subcommittee—to remind group of

        • Vision—allows directed focus and definition/direction of subcommittee for new members

        • Project name

        • Project lead

        • Goal

        • Back-up—who picks up when chair is unavailable

        • Description of project

        • Key actions for 2 week period—help to stay task oriented

        • Risks/issues—how can group help subcommittee/what help is needed

        • Key Discussion areas

        • Supplies and resources

        • Date/time of anticipated project

        • Budget

        • Location

  • Sub-chairs took a practice run on 9/3 using the template to address what they had been working on and completed up to 9/3.

        • Each were in infancy stages of completing tasks and hone ideas of direction of subcommittee and how C4C will be active in parts of the community in the weeks ahead.