Sept 7, 2021

C4C Board Members

September 7, 2021

6:07 pm

Held at Chandler High School and on Zoom


Shawn Mitchell, President

Michael Franklin, Vice President

Peggy Schlesinger, Secretary

Lynne McKay, Treasurer

Dr. Danielle Gilliam, Health Care

Gloria Garza Wells, Cultural Events

Miya Mitchell, Social Media

Shawn Charles, Housing

Brenda Girolamo

Diana Crawford was absent

Communication for Chandler 4 Chandler

DECISION: Communication will continue with for all communication.

Frequency of Board Meetings:

DECISION: Have Board meetings monthly until the end of the year. Dates: 10/5,11/2,12/7 at 6:00 pm

Peggy will send out invites for all the meetings with calendar hits.


25-30 people have participated in some kind of event or meeting. These will be considered the active members. No decision was made regarding dues. People who have shown some interest but have not participated in any event or meeting will not be considered members.

DECISION: Board Meetings will combine General Meetings with Board Meetings, conducting decisions at the end of the meeting.

The meeting will follow a format of:

o New Business

o Old Business

o Business where the board needs to vote


Have a one-page newsletter – Brenda and Miya will lead this effort and Shawn, Peggy, and Gloria will provide input

Expenditures & Treasurer’s report

Juneteenth Made $1700.00, Other income was 380.70, Expenses were $1008.36 including expense commitments, Balance is $1072.34

DECISION: For unpaid commitments

o Pay City of Chandler of $245.00 for restroom damage

o Michael Franklin would like to provide an in-kind donation of $144.85 for the U-Haul and Gas


South Chandler Neighborhood Projects

o The project is proceeding in collecting photographs for the architectural review. The historical aspects are being documents but will likely require support documentation.

o For doing the supporting research, the question of whether the library offers access to the newspapers for free to eliminate any cost for subscribing to the newspaper for back issues. This will be researched.

Non-Discrimination Ordinance

o Lynn, Michael Shawn will work on the resolution letter from C4C to submit to the City Council - Have this ready by the October 5th meeting

For Our City Event - Oct 23 – Armstrong, Galveston, and Historic Silk Stockings areas are being beautified

o C4C has been asked sign-up to volunteer. The assumption is that between C4C and other contacts, we can provide 30-40 volunteers.

o DECISION: Shawn will review properties and select projects for the group to support

Naillah Hendrickson Son’s memorial

o Nini is back in Chicago and would like a memorial in the park where her son passed

o Shawn will research park memorial possibilities - Oct 5th (One consideration will be to plant a tree or a memorial like the Peace Poles. SRP offers free trees for planting. Memorial trees are nice since they grow.)

Celebrating National Hispanic Month - Sept 24 - Galveston Elementary Hispanic Awareness Night

o It is too late to sign up for a booth but they need volunteers for the event

Relay for Unity aka Race for Unity

o This is an event that the Bahá’ís of Chandler have put on for several years and are looking to expand. It traditionally has been held in Sept/Oct timeframe. It was held at Tumbleweed Park and included T-Shirts. It’s intent was to promote elimination of prejudice and inclusion of all.

o There is a desire to promote this as a fund raiser for a particular cause. Some suggestions for this from a health perspective are Diabetes and Breast Cancer since November is Diabetes Awareness and October is Breast Cancer Awareness. (Breast Cancer has a lower incident rate for Black women but a higher mortality rate and Diabetes affects more people of color.)

o One consideration for C4C is to support the focus on various cultural group - appreciating diversity.

o Suggested timeframes for the event are Oct, Nov, Dec, or Jan, especially since these are cooler months.

Other upcoming events that C4C members may want to support by at least by attending, wearing shirts, and networking with folks.

o October 23rd is Diabetes Tour de Cure - this is to raise funds regarding diabetes, although this conflicts with For Our City Day

o September 17th - Music in the Park - AJ Chandler Park - city event - come to park with shirts

o October 2-3rd - Moon Festival - attend event with shirts and network

Marketing - re-engaging with social media

Brenda may be willing to help Miya


o Have group picture of board members - say congratulations to the board and thank people who have volunteered

o DECISION - Have a get together on a Saturday. Shawn Charles would be willing to host depending on the day.

o For inclusivity - have book recommendations

o Do spotlights on museums, businesses, and articles - Dr. Gilliam will help

o Veterans Oasis Park - last year featured veterans in Chandler - suggestion of a place to highlight

Website - Lynne does the website

Brenda Girolamo volunteered to look at the Web Site and suggest/make improvements

o Suggestion is to move more things to the top level

o Brenda, Lynne, and Shawn Mitchell will look at the web site to make improvements

Meeting ended 7:34 pm.